
About Us

Letter from the Founder

Brandie Janow

Founder, Kingdom Creatives

Hello, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Kingdom Creatives. I wish that our site not only assists you, but also sparks inspiration. I have led a life rich in adventure and filled with remarkable people, all of whom have shaped both myself and my business into what we are today.

In late 2008, I found myself in Saudi Arabia, a young designer seeking my purpose in the world. My interest has always been deeply rooted in the intersection of design and business. Those who were in business during those times witnessed firsthand what needed refinement and what required creation. It was not about identifying a market gap; We genuinely architected a market from the ground up.

It did not take long for me to recognize the wealth of creative talent scattered across the country. However, we lacked cohesive spaces for connection, and there was limited support for the remarkable changes unfolding around us. In 2022, I established a tight-knitted community which I called Kingdom Creatives. The community spirit has always been at the heart of Saudi society, and it has shaped us into a social enterprise. Over time, businesses and individuals began to seek help with their projects, talent acquisition, or inquiries about the market.

I soon realized that we were not just contributors; We were architects - of markets, industries, and sectors - all strategizing sizeable innovative efforts. This realization exposed a valuable opportunity for exponential growth and economic evolution. I crystallized my vision for Kingdom Creatives in 2023 and set the wheels in motion. The business needed to be digital, sustainable, and inclusive. It was imperative that this venture benefited each stakeholder involved - myself included. The process of creating this business has been intense, but incredibly rewarding, and I am thrilled for you to uncover the value it offers.

My personal goal is to bolster the creative and cultural economy of Saudi, incite others to engage in the market, and catalyze quality innovation. I invite you to be part of this journey with me, in whatever way feels right to you.